ACCC Inquiry Too Little Too Late

21 Sep | '2022

Angie Bell MP
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education
Shadow Minister for Youth
Federal Member for Moncrieff




21 September 2022

After more than four months, the Albanese Government have finally gotten around to revealing details on their ACCC price mechanism election promise – which will cost $10 million and deliver nothing for Australian families until sometime in 2024.

Today’s announcement from the Minister for Education is too little too late – with the ACCC not set to report back to the Government until the end of next year.

Many centres have already increased fees more than once this year across the country and with cost of living pressures rising, Australian families can’t afford to wait until 2024.

Federal Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Angie Bell, said today’s announcement will do nothing to alleviate pressures currently facing the sector.

“Labor needs a plan for fees because last time they were in office child care fees skyrocketed by 53 per cent in just six years,” Ms Bell said.

“There is still no plan for how the workforce will meet the increased demand for child care or to address the establishment of new child care services in child care deserts.

“Minister Clare’s announcement in inner city Brisbane doesn’t help those in regional Australia who don’t have access to child care places.”

With early education costs set to increase under this Government, Australian families deserve to know if they will really be better off under Labor.

It’s time the Government focussed less on politics and more on a plan to ensure a strong economy that supports Australian workers and families.


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