5 Feb | '2025

Child Care

The Prime Minister promised Australia cheaper child care. He promised a pay rise for 200,000 educators by the end of the year. But just like all of his other promises, like no changes to superannuation, no changes to the stage 3 tax cuts and—who can forget?—cheaper power bills, he has failed to deliver for Australians. Under Labor, the cost of child care has risen by 22.3 per cent, and the latest inflation data shows that, since Labor’s changes to the child-care subsidy, out-of-pocket fees have skyrocketed by 12.7 per cent.

27 Nov | '2024

Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024

It’s good to stand to speak on the Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024. There are some in our community who are sceptical about this legislation. As a Liberal, I can understand why. There have been many emails in my inbox from constituents with concerns, and I really would like to address […]

25 Nov | '2024

Queensland State Election

The exceptionally good people of Queensland have elected a Crisafulli LNP government to address their major concerns—the soaring cost of living, including electricity prices; skyrocketing crime rates; lack of housing options; and a health system that was in crisis. I take this opportunity to thank Queenslanders and assure you all that the new LNP government […]

25 Nov | '2024

Federal Election

The truth of it is that we may not be back in this place until after the 2025 election. If things don’t get better quickly for this flailing Prime Minister who has no political judgement, then many suspect he’ll call an early election. One thing I know for sure is that there are no guarantees […]

20 Nov | '2024

Moncrieff Electorate: Volunteers

    A cost-of-living crisis, increased energy costs, higher interest rates and soaring inflation have made this year a tough one for Australians. In 2024, we’ve seen the cost of all essentials rise by at least 10 per cent and the standard of living in our great country simply go backwards. Australians are poorer under […]

10 Oct | '2024

Aged Care Bill 2024

It’s always a privilege to talk in the chamber about aged care, our older Australians and the care that they are given. Of course, I have many, many providers in my electorate of Moncrieff on the Gold Coast, and I do enjoy regularly visiting those residential care homes. I always look forward to chatting with […]

9 Oct | '2024

Mental Health

During Youth Voice in Parliament Week, I committed to reading a speech written by a young person, to give her a voice in this place and to amplify her view. Today I will be sharing the words of Libby, who wants to see Australians have accessible, affordable and high-quality mental health support. We know that […]

16 Sep | '2024

Moncrieff Electorate: Volunteers

Volunteers have a strong presence throughout the Gold Coast community; they are the glue that holds everything together. There are many members across the House who have spoken this week about their local volunteer awards and what they do to celebrate their contributions across our nation. Volunteers in Moncrieff help out with local sporting teams, […]

16 Sep | '2024

Moncrieff Electorate: Community Events

On the Gold Coast, we look after our own, and my community’s generosity seems to be limitless. We have around 12 fundraising balls a year through the winter on the Gold Coast. I’ve actually lost count of how many, and I’m just estimating based on how many I attend. But we have some stellar citizens […]