5 Jul | '2024


For many young people, traditional education just doesn’t fit. As a result, they become disengaged and sometimes lost. In June I had the great privilege to visit Everything Suarve, or Esuarve, an organisation that offers alternative learning through a 10-week big-brother program for youths aged 16 to 24, with my gold coast colleagues my very […]

29 May | '2024


Since the beginning of 2024 and the school year, I’ve been visiting many schools to present school leaders with certificates and to engage in discussions about leadership skills. In the heart of the Gold Coast, Moncrieff is home to 33 schools, 20 of which I have had the privilege to visit so far this year. […]

28 May | '2024


I remind Australians of what is at stake in our democracy when we hear our most respected leaders saying, ‘Hitler would be proud.’ I say: never again. We must remember that during the Second World War, between 1938 and 1945, six million Jews were exterminated—not just Jews but Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, people of colour, gypsies, […]

26 Mar | '2024

Surfers Paradise Surf Lifesaving Club: Business Meets Sport

I joined a packed room of dedicated Gold Coasters to raise funds for the iconic Surfers Paradise Surf Lifesaving Club—in its 100th year of saving lives on Surfers Paradise Beach. Hosted by the Gold Coast stellar citizen Andrew Bell OAM and his brother, Greg, was the annual Ray White Surfers Paradise Business Meets Sport luncheon, […]

21 Mar | '2024

St Hilda’s School

I’ve had the absolute pleasure of visiting St Hilda’s, a beautiful and prestigious school for girls in my electorate, several times over the last month. First, it was to celebrate the commissioning of the new principal, Mrs Virginia Warner, a great asset to the school community whom I know will make a very lasting difference. […]

28 Nov | '2023

Moncrieff Electorate

It’s been a difficult year for many Gold Coasters in the midst of the Prime Minister’s cost-of-living crisis, and there will be no relief any time soon for those families who are doing it tough. I wish to thank all of those organisations among so many who assist those in my community who need a […]

13 Nov | '2023

MOB Academy

Today I want to talk about what it is that young people really need to thrive—in particular, what young men need to thrive—and to talk about an organisation in my electorate of Moncrieff on the Gold Coast, in the suburb of Southport. There is an organisation there called MOB Academy, Men of Business. It was […]

13 Sep | '2023

Gold Coast Community Fund

Gold Coasters supporting Gold Coasters—that’s what my community does on the Gold Coast, and I’m so proud to be associated with those organisations who raise funds to help those in need. Since 2000, the Gold Coast Community Fund has raised $4.5 million for those that need a helping hand with their grocery bills, their educational […]

4 Sep | '2023

Gold Coast Pacific Airshow

The inaugural Pacific Airshow Gold Coast was held over three days in the heart of Moncrieff in beautiful Surfers Paradise on 18, 19 and 20 August. There were three days of astounding aircraft entertainment never before seen in Queensland. Tourists and locals enjoyed the show, and as the Americans say, ‘Folks came out in their […]

20 Jun | '2023

Little Grubbs Orchard

Little Grubbs Orchard in Southport do fantastic work to support children and families impacted by neurodevelopmental conditions, disabilities, special needs or behavioural issues. When the son of director, Lily Grubb, was diagnosed with autism at age three, her family found there weren’t many support services available. Fortunately, for Moncrieff residents, Lily started Little Grubbs Orchard […]