Australian families always pay more under Labor

26 Apr | '2023

Angie Bell MP
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education
Shadow Minister for Youth

Federal Member for Moncrieff





26 April 2023

Australian families continue to pay more for early childhood education under Labor, with the latest CPI data showing out of pocket costs have increased for a second quarter by a further two per cent.

Labor promised families their out of pocket costs would be reduced, but this is the second quarterly increase, with costs soaring to a whopping 4.5 per cent in December 2022 – the largest quarterly increase (outside of COVID measures) since 2007.

Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Angie Bell MP, said it was clear that the Albanese Labor Government has no idea and no plan to deliver cost of living relief for Australian families.

“Labor promised Australian families they would tackle the rising cost of living – they promised cheaper mortgages, electricity bills, groceries and early childhood education, and so far, they’ve failed to deliver,” Ms Bell said.

“Today’s data is just further proof that the cost of everything continues to rise on Labor’s watch and families are being left behind.

“Labor have failed Australian families at every turn. They’ve had almost 12 months to address the rising cost of living and they have nothing to show for it.

“The last time Labor was in Government early childhood education fees skyrocketed by 53 per cent in just six years – and we know it will continue to rise under this Labor Government.”

Under the Coalition, early childhood education costs decreased by 4.6 per cent in June 2022.

With early education costs rising, it’s clear that Australian families always pay more under Labor.


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