12 Feb | '2024

Labor failing to skill Australians in Moncrieff

New data proves that despite promising to skill more Australians than the Coalition, Anthony Albanese’s Labor Government is overseeing a wholesale collapse in the number of apprentices and trainees in every state and in almost every electorate across the nation including in our backyard.

7 Feb | '2024


Gold Coast’s federal politicians have been enjoying some cooler weather back in Canberra with Federal Parliament returning this week, the first sitting week of the year. Member for Moncrieff, Angie Bell is there and joins us on the line this morning. Hello Angie.

2 Feb | '2024

Labor caught out lying about childcare workforce

A tranche of secret documents demonstrates Labor Ministers have been deliberately using misleading data about Australia’s childcare workforce in media statements and in the Parliament. When confronted with their lie, instead of accepting responsibility, they pathetically tried to blame Hansard for missing a dash.

30 Jan | '2024

Another review… Another response kicked down the road

The Albanese Government has today released another report into the child care sector, kicking their formal response down the road and dragging their feet on action. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s 2023 review into the child care sector was formally released today, with the Albanese Government citing they would formally respond to the review’s findings and recommendations in six months’ time.

25 Jan | '2024

The importance of Australia Day

January 26th is a day for national unity where Australians come together to celebrate our democratic traditions, freedoms and resilience. It should also be a time to reflect on our history from all perspectives.

23 Jan | '2024


The Aus debate continues and you know, we were talking to Nic Hayes from Media Stable earlier this morning and he said, ‘You know, when is this merry go round gonna finish? And when are we going to stop having this debate? We need to change the date just so we can stop having the argument.’ Well, to me that’s not a good enough reason. But maybe the way we stop this debate is by stop indoctrinating our kids so that eventually we end up with a generation that doesn’t hate Australia.

23 Jan | '2024


Some child care centres have been accused of politicising classrooms, kids as young as five being made to feel ashamed about Australia. We mentioned yesterday SDN Children’s Services in the ACT now recites an acknowledgement of country on a daily basis, and they teach students that Australia is built on stolen land. Now keep in mind we’re talking about kids at preschool.

11 Dec | '2023

Labor bungling governing of our great country at every turn

You would think nine years in Opposition would prepare Labor for government, and yet after 18 months they’ve absolutely failed the Australian people. Labor has failed on the economy, delivering 12 interest rate rises, skyrocketing gas, electricity, grocery, and petrol prices.