Childcare centres a place for education, not indoctrination

22 Jan | '2024

Angie Bell MP
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education
Shadow Minister for Youth
Federal Member for Moncrieff


Childcare centres a place for education, not indoctrination


22 January 2024

January 26 is an important day in our nation’s calendar. It’s a day where Australians come together to celebrate the success of our nation, our traditions, and welcome new members to the Australian family.

Our nation is rich in history and culture, with our Indigenous Australians, and the multi-cultural migration of so many who now call Australia home.

Yet, it was disheartening to read in today’s Australian, that some are taking advantage of our youngest Australians and using their own political agendas to indoctrinate children as young as five.

Indigenous Australians are the world’s longest-surviving culture, and their culture should be celebrated, as it rightly is across all services through language, songs, stories and artwork.

However, the use of the term “Invasion Day” has no place in early childhood education settings. These are places where children should be able to learn and play free from political activism, and ideological agendas.

Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Angie Bell, said this week we should be teaching our children to be proud of our country, and helping them love all things Australian.

“Like many Australians, I am concerned about educators who attempt to impose their personal political agendas on children – especially when we’re talking about the education of children under five,” Ms Bell said.

“We want to see more learning in services, and less indoctrination by those with ulterior motives. Social crusading from a select few in our community serves no one.

“I’ve written to several large providers, asking them how their services are celebrating Australia Day this week.

“The Coalition is determined to combat political activism and ideological agendas in education settings, which undermine parents and compromise a child’s learning and development.”

Australia Day is a proud day for the many thousands of people who will join our multicultural family and become Australian citizens. It’s also a day where we can celebrate and pay tribute to those who continue to give back to their communities.


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