Early Childhood Education Costs Soaring Under Labor

3 Feb | '2023

Angie Bell MP
Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education
Shadow Minister for Youth

Federal Member for Moncrieff





25 January 2023

Australian parents can expect to pay more for early childhood education under the Albanese Government, with latest CPI data showing costs increased by a whopping 4.5 per cent in December 2022.

Today’s data is the largest quarterly increase (outside of the reversal of COVID measures) since 2007.

Labor promised Australians their 2022-23 Budget would deliver cost of living relief, but they continue to preside over skyrocketing energy and grocery bills and now early childhood education fees.

Labor promised families they would reduce out-of-pocket costs for early childhood education and yet with fees increasing, families deserve to know how much of their child care subsidy will immediately be lost to higher fees.

Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Angie Bell MP, said Australian families deserve to know how much their out-of-pocket costs are expected to rise under this Labor Government.

“The last time Labor was in Government early childhood education fees skyrocketed by 53 per cent in just six years,” Ms Bell said.

“How much can families expect fees to rise under this Albanese Labor Government?

“Families are already struggling, grocery and household bills continue to rise and there is no plan from this Labor Government to deliver cost of living relief.

“Under the Coalition, early childhood education costs decreased by 4.6 per cent in June 2022. Labor said it had a plan. Its Budget shows there is no plan.”

Australians are sick and tired of hearing excuses. The Albanese Government has had eight months to address the rising cost of living and they have nothing to show for it.

With early education costs already rising, Australian families deserve to know if they will really be better off under Labor.


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