Little Grubbs Orchard

13 Aug | '2024

Little Grubbs Orchard, founded by Gold Coaster Lily Grubb, provides critical support services and programs for children, and their families, impacted by neurodevelopmental conditions. Lily provides this life-changing support to families, schools and childcare centres. She also offers her voluntary time to assist families that would not otherwise have the funding or the means to access that sort of meaningful support. That’s why the Little Grubbs Orchard Foundation exists. It provides financial support to individuals who don’t have adequate financial access to therapy supports. The foundation uses funds raised through individual donations, fundraisers, sponsorships and grants to support families that the NDIS may not otherwise cover. I was delighted to join the team at Little Grubbs Orchard at their foundation recently for their second annual fundraising ball at Sea World Resort in my electorate. Together, we raised $3,650, providing an additional 45 hours of much-needed therapy and support to children who otherwise would not have access to these sorts of services. To date, the foundation has received $300,000, which is 1,455 hours of therapy support. Lily and the team pour their hearts and souls into their work. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child, and Little Grubbs Orchard is that village for so many in my Gold Coast community. Thank you so much to Lily Grubb and her team for what you do for our local community.

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