Community News & Speeches

10 Aug | '2022

Volunteers Grant 2022-23

The Volunteers Grant aims to help community organisations support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers, support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering; and encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering. Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations. This funding can be used for activities including: The purchase of small […]

3 Aug | '2022

COVID-19 Aged Care – Grievance Debate

When COVID hit in early 2020, it was impossible to know the scale of the damage that it would do to our country. For the last 2½ years, Australians have followed the health advice to the letter; our chief medical officers and chief health officers have provided advice to both federal and state governments around […]

3 Aug | '2022

Burleigh Community Men’s Shed

I am pleased to rise to talk about the fellas at Burleigh Community Men’s Shed in Miami. I joined them on 7 July, just last month, for morning tea. As we know, men’s shed plays a really important role in mental health outcomes for our community, and I thank the fellas there at Burleigh men’s […]

2 Aug | '2022


Deputy Speaker Buchholz, congratulations on sitting in the chair. It is good to see you here today. I thank the member for Sturt for bringing this motion forward to talk about the NBN, the National Broadband Network, which has revolutionised Australia. Let’s face it: it’s changed the way we do business. In my electorate of […]

2 Aug | '2022

National Homelessness Week

I thank the member for Macnamara for giving me another opportunity to speak on this topic that I’m so passionate about—homelessness—which absolutely affects my Gold Coast community. In fact, I just came back from returning to the Gold Coast on the weekend for a homelessness fundraiser for the St Johns Crisis Centre based in Surfers […]

27 Jul | '2022

First Speech in the 47th Parliament – 90 Second Statement

Congratulations on your elevation, Deputy Speaker Claydon. I have indescribable gratitude for my constituents in the beautiful electorate of Moncrieff on the Gold Coast, and today I speak for the first time in this 47th Parliament as the shadow minister for early childhood education and shadow minister for youth. But I stand unwavering as the […]

27 Jul | '2022

Building and Construction Industry – Matters of Public Importance

  Australia’s construction industry is one of our most vital and important sectors. It’s our construction industry that builds the shopping centres and the supermarkets that we buy our food from, the buildings that we work in and the homes in which we live. The construction industry is responsible for building the roads we drive […]

27 Jul | '2022

Young Australians – Adjournment

    Congratulations on your elevation to chair of this House, Mr Speaker. Firstly, I would like reiterate my thanks to the Leader of the Opposition for providing me the opportunity to serve as his shadow minister for early childhood education and youth. Supporting our young Australians is something that I’ve been passionate about for […]

29 Mar | '2022

Malaria Vaccine Project – 90 Second Statement

Last week, I had the great pleasure of attending the fifth anniversary of the malaria vaccine project at the Institute for Glycomics at my own alma mater, Griffith University, Gold Coast, in Moncrieff. Present among many from the community were General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove, who have supported this project since the beginning. […]

19 Mar | '2022

Shaping Heart of the Gold Coast

Gold Coast Bulletin March 19, 2022

‘When communities come together to assist other in times of crisis like the recent flood events, its a true indication of who we are.’