Community News & Speeches

5 Jun | '2024

Consideration in Detail

It’s disappointing that the minister for this portfolio, an important portfolio, has not turned up for this consideration in detail and has instead sent his junior minister to speak on his behalf. It is verydisappointing for Australians and certainly this side of the chamber. I was reading through my considerationin-detail speech from last year and […]

3 Jun | '2024

Prime Minister

We’re talking about weaknesses in the government, in this matter of public importance today. To me, the weakness seems to be management, and management comes from the top—from the boss. When we’re talking about weaknesses in this Prime Minister, I think it starts with letting down the Australian people on the economy. That’s the first […]

3 Jun | '2024

Moncrieff Electorate – Youth

One of the great privileges of serving in this place is meeting with and visiting so many incredible organisations that support Australians across the country. I’m sure members from both sides would agree. As the Shadow Minister for Youth, there are some amazing organisations that I’ve had the great pleasure of spending time with who […]

29 May | '2024

Immigration Detention

Bosco Minyrano, 22 years old, was stabbed and murdered in Brisbane by domestic violence offender and convicted Sudanese national, Emmanuel Saki. Saki’s visa was reinstated by the AAT as a direct result of the watering down of the law by the Albanese government and the issuance of direction 99. A 14-year-old girl was raped by […]

29 May | '2024


Since the beginning of 2024 and the school year, I’ve been visiting many schools to present school leaders with certificates and to engage in discussions about leadership skills. In the heart of the Gold Coast, Moncrieff is home to 33 schools, 20 of which I have had the privilege to visit so far this year. […]

28 May | '2024


I remind Australians of what is at stake in our democracy when we hear our most respected leaders saying, ‘Hitler would be proud.’ I say: never again. We must remember that during the Second World War, between 1938 and 1945, six million Jews were exterminated—not just Jews but Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, people of colour, gypsies, […]

22 May | '2024


With that in mind, let’s welcome our political panel, Labor frontbencher, Kristy McBain is at Sydney Airport, well away from the New South Wales south coast. And LNP frontbencher, Angie Bell is in Brisbane, less far from her home.