Community News & Speeches

22 Nov | '2022

Poem – Mental Health

Mental Health Sitting in the corner Not knowing what is going to come next Will it be my fear? or my concerns? Why is it never my dreams? My happy place? Does it always have to be worried and bad times Something good would be nice for a change Treacherous thoughts running through my head […]

22 Nov | '2022

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Avenue and Woodland Walk

Last week I attended the official launch of the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Avenue and Woodland Walk at the beautiful Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens. I visited several times this year, and last time I was honoured to plant the inaugural tree for the woodland walk. I’m proud to say that, even though local […]

15 Nov | '2022


Angie Bell is our Federal Member for Moncrieff here, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Shadow Minister for Youth. Each week around this time we catch up with one of our federal MPs, this morning it is Ms Bell. Hello.

10 Nov | '2022

Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022

Governments do not create jobs; business and employers do. This is a message for those opposite. This bill delivers the worst possible news that Australian small and medium enterprises could get, on top of the mess this government is making with the Australian economy. Thanks to this government, power prices are not being cut by […]

3 Nov | '2022

Young Australians

I’m so pleased to rise in the Federation Chamber today to speak about my electorate of Moncrieff, which I love deeply, and youths—the future of our great country. Last month I asked members from the Moncrieff Community Cabinet to nominate a youth representative aged between 15 and 24 to attend the Moncrieff youth roundtable in […]

3 Nov | '2022

Early Childhood Education

It’s been nine long years since Labor delivered a budget, and it’s clear they still don’t know what they are doing. The government’s $4.5 billion childcare package will not deliver for families, workers or the sector. They have no plan for access, no plan for workers and no plan to address thin markets and childcare […]

3 Nov | '2022

Senate Inquiry confirms Labor’s Child Care policy is half baked

Treasury have today confirmed that the Albanese Government’s ‘Cheaper Child Care’ policy is based on a lack of modelling and incorrect assumptions. In a Senate Inquiry into the policy, Treasury confirmed the only modelling they’ve done is the impact the policy will have on mothers with children aged 0-5 years.

2 Nov | '2022


I just wanted to make comments about what happened in the chamber today. I’ve been a federal MP down here for nine years been involved heavily with federal politics for over 12. And, you know, I really do not appreciate being spoken to, and screamed at, by the Prime Minister as I was today. I asked a question which I’ve talked to a lot of you about, the ring road in Rockhampton and I feel that I’ve been humiliated by him and by the Labor Party.

29 Sep | '2022


Well, 96 per cent of Australian families will pay less in child care from July next year under new reforms introduced by the government, but is making it cheaper getting to the bottom of the core issue in the sector. Both the Greens and Coalition have raised concerns over the $5 billion package, fearing it doesn’t address the key crisis of workforce shortages in early education.