13 May | '2021

$1.2bn Tourism Support Package-Half Price Airfares

  See Gold Coast Tourism Half-price Airfare Speech Good solutions in a time of crisis start with leadership—leadership that listens to stakeholders, crafts efficient and effective policies and then executes well. The minister for tourism has done exactly that for the Gold Coast, listening to Gold Coast tourism stakeholders, who’ve said that what they need […]

25 Mar | '2021

Cancer Council Queensland 60th Anniversary

Earlier this month I had the privilege of celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Cancer Council Queensland with staff and volunteers. They are dedicated to improving quality of life for people living with cancer, through research, patient care, prevention and early detection. The CEO, Chris McMillan, reflected on the work the Gold Coast volunteers gave, […]

23 Mar | '2021

Respect for Women

I rise to talk about ‘boys to men’. We know that some boys grow up to be men who disrespect women and children of both sexes. It’s not exclusively men, but, overwhelmingly, it is males who perpetrate against the most vulnerable in our society. Women will not gain respect by simply demanding it. It’s about […]

22 Mar | '2021

Economic Support for the Gold Coast

 I find it very interesting that the member for Fowler took this opportunity in this debate on Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2020-2021 to bring up Labor’s response to the GFC, allowing me to actually highlight or at least look at the differences between how Labor responded to a crisis and how the LNP government responded […]

22 Mar | '2021

Queens Park Tennis Centre Upgrade

Recently I attended the opening of the upgrade of the Queens Park Tennis Centre. The facility is very important to community sport on the Gold Coast and the upgrade is tremendous. The upgrade at Queens Park in Southport will see more Gold Coasters participating more often, with 10 resurfaced championship courts, improved LED lighting and […]

18 Mar | '2021

Women’s March

I joined my coalition colleagues at the respect for women march because I believe we can do more to improve the lives of Australian women. Women deserve to be safe at home, in public and at work. I do not believe the marches alone will improve respect for women, and I do not agree with […]

17 Mar | '2021

Economic Recovery

Those on the other side of the chamber don’t get what business is about. They don’t understand business. They don’t know what a BAS statement is or how long it takes a small-business owner to fill in a BAS statement every month or quarter. They don’t know how to run a budget, on that side. […]

17 Mar | '2021

Tourism Roundtable

Off the topic that I’m about to talk about, which is tourism on the Gold Coast, I would actually like to commend the Brisbane City Council and Lord Mayor Adrian Shreiner for the great work that they do in Queensland for the local economy and across many other sustainable, green measures and all kinds of […]

16 Mar | '2021

Economic Support and Our Comeback

If my ears don’t deceive me, the member for Kingsford Smith just said in this chamber that all people on welfare are cheats. They were the words that came out of his mouth. He used negative words to describe jobseekers; they came out of his mouth. He used his own words to describe those people […]

25 Feb | '2021

2032 Olympics is an Amazing Opportunity for the Gold Coast

I rise today absolutely thrilled that the $10 million investment that the Morrison government has made in the Olympics bid has pushed South-East Queensland one step further towards hosting the next Olympic Games. The 2032 Olympics is an amazing opportunity for the Gold Coast. Of course we have a rich history on the Gold Coast […]